영어 문법 관계대명사, 중등부 꼭 알아야할 부분

2022. 7. 13. 20:54교육 대학입시/영어문법,영어회화





영어문법을 배우면 꼭 알고 넘어가야 할 관계대명사 

시험에서 단골 출제 부분이기 때문에 꼭 배워야 하는 부분

         목      차

1. 관계대명사의 역할

2. 관계대명사의 종류

3. 관계대명사 Who

4. 관계대명사 Which

5. 관계대명사 That

1 관계대명사의 역할

앞에 있는 명사나 대명사(선행사)를 받는 구실을 하면서 두 문장을 연결해 주므로 접속사 + 대명사의 역할을 한다.

형용사절을 이끌어 관계대명사 앞에 있는 선행사를 수식한다.


I have a friend. He plays tennis very well.

I have a friend who plays tennis very well.(a friend : 선행사, who : 관계대명사)


2. 관계대명사의 종류




3 관계대명사 WHO (who - whose - whom)


1) Who


This is the girl. She is a good typist.

This is the girl who is a good typist. (She가 주격이므로 주격 who를 사용해서 두 문장을 연결함)


2) Whom


This is the boy. I wanted to see him.

This is the boy whom I wanted to see. (him이 목적격이므로 whom을 사용해서 연결함)


3) Whose


A child is called an orphan. His parents are dead.

A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.


(A childHis가 공통되고, His는 소유격이므로 whose를 씀)


4) 관계대명사 + S + think(imagine, suppose, guess, believe, be sure) 삽입절


주격 관계대명사가 와야함


관계대명사 + S + think(imagine, suppose, guess, believe, be sure) + to 부정사부정사


목적격 관계대명사가 와야 함


I picked up a man who I thought was honest. (I thought는 삽입절)

I picked up a man whom I thought to be honest.

5) who, whom 자체에 선행사가 포함되어 있는 경우.


Who steals my purse steals trash. (Who= He who) <Shakespeare>

Whom the gods love die young. (Whom= Those whom) <Byron>

6) 두 문장을 관계대명사를 사용해서 연결해 봅시다.


I have a friend. He lives in New York.

The lady was coming toward them. She lived next door.

The girl is my sister. She plays with a doll.

I have a friend. His father is a doctor.

She is the teacher. I never forget her name.

This is James. You met his father the other day.

She has a son. She loves him very much.

The lady is completely blind. I saw her in a bus.

They are the boys. He teaches them.

A child is called an orphan. His parents are dead.


4. 관계대명사 WHICH (which - whose, of which - which)


1) Which


- 선행사가 동물이나 사물일 때 쓰이며 주격은 which, 소유격은 of whichwhose, 목적격은 which


- which가 계속적 용법으로 쓰일 땐 구, , 형용사를 선행사로 받는 경우가 있다.


2) 주격, 목적격으로 쓰일 때.


- which는 주격과 목적격의 형태가 동일하므로which + S + V이면 목적격 which + V이면 주격


- 전치사와 관계대명사가 함께 쓰일 때, 전치사는 관계 사절 끝에 올 수도, 관계대명사 바로 앞에 올 수도 있다.


I have a book. It is very interesting.

I have a book which is very interesting. (주격)


This is the dictionary. I bought it yesterday.

This is the dictionary which I bought yesterday. (목적격)


3) 소유격으로 쓰일 때.


- 선행사가 사물인 경우 whose 대신 of which를 쓰기도 하는데, 이때 소유의 대상이 되는 말은 of which의 앞 또는 뒤에 온다.


- which 앞에 전치사 of가 있을 땐 of which가 소유격이기 때문에 which를 생략할 수 없다.


This is the word. I don't know the meaning of it.

This is the word which I don't know the meaning of.


(which는 전치사 of의 목적격이므로 생략 가능)


This is the word of which I don't know the meaning.


This is the word the meaning of which I don't know.


This is the word whose meaning I don't know.


4) which가 구, , 형용사를 선행사로 받을 때.


- 관계대명사 앞에 comma가 있으면 계속적인 용법으로서접속사(and, but, for, though) + 대명사의 형태로 바꿔 쓸 수 있다.


He wanted to come, which was impossible. (= but it)

5) 신분, 지위, 성격을 선행사로 받을 때.


- 선행사가 사람일지라도 신분, 지위, 성격을 나타낼 때에는 who, whom을 쓰지 않고 whichthat을 사용한다.


He is a gentleman, which his brother is not.

She is no longer the shy girl which(or that) she was ten years ago.


6) 두 문장을 관계대명사를 사용해서 연결해 봅시다.

I have bought a novel. It is very interesting.

This is a store. It opens late at night.

Mary keeps a cat. It has a long tail.

This is a house. Its roof is green.

I keep a cat. The cat's eyes are brown.

The mountain is Kilimanjaro. Its top is covered with snow.

The bicycle is nice. I bought it yesterday.

This is the house. Tom lives in it.

This is the letter. My father wrote me the letter.


5. 관계대명사 THAT (that - × - that)


1) 관계대명사 that


- that은 한정 용법에만 쓰이고, 계속적 용법에서는 쓸 수 없다.

- that은 사물, 사람, 동물에 모두 쓰이며 소유격이 없다.

- that 앞에는 전치사를 쓸 수 없다.

- thatwho, whom, which 등을 대신해서 쓸 수 있다.

선행사가 사람과 동물일 때.


A man and his dog that were passing by were injured.

선행사에 최상급 형용사, 서수사, the very, the only, the last, the same, every, all, any, no 등이 포함되어 있을 때.


He is the greatest poet that korea has ever produced.

선행사에 의문대명사 who, what, which 등이 올 때.


Who that has common sense can believe such a thing? (주격)

Which is the book that you want to read. (목적격)

Who is the man that is talking with the foreigner?


